Weaving Flows Tabs / Chords
Standard tuning Key D Weaving Flows <Chorus> D Am Em Em E|-2–0–0–0-| B|-3–1–0–0-| G|-2–2–0–0-| D|-0–2–2–2-| A|—-0–2–2-| E|——-0–0-| D Am Em Em <Verse> D E7 G G E|-2–0–3–3-| B|-3–3–3–3-| G|-2–1–0–0-| D|-0–0–0–0-| A|—-2–2–2-| E|——-3–3-| D E7 G G <Chorus> D Am Em Em Go to the River <Verse> D E7 G G Falling from the sky…